The Key to Successful Email Campaigns

Visual Visitor can help you monitor your email campaigns. Find out who's reading your newsletters and expressing interest in your business.
Mar 23, 2021 | 2 minute read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

What Is an Email Campaign?

An email sent to a large number of customers or leads is known as an email campaign. The function of the campaign is to encourage action. Ideally, the email will persuade the recipients to click on links, sign up for a free trial, or even become a paying customer. But how do you know if your email campaign was effective?

Key performance indicators, also known as KPIs, allow you to measure the success of your email campaigns. And contrary to what you may believe, conversion rate isn’t the only metric that matters.

What Makes a Successful Campaign?

The answer to this question largely depends on your marketing goals. You could organize a campaign with the intention of enticing back former customers, increasing visibility, or strengthening customer retention. To determine whether you met your goals, you should study the relevant KPIs.

To get you started analyzing your campaigns, we have compiled a list of important metrics below.

  1. Click-through rate (CTR). While your ultimate goal may be to encourage sales, getting customers to click on links is a good first step. Many of the recipients will open the email but customers who take the initiative to open your links are good prospects.
  2. Bounce rate. Inevitably, some emails aren’t going to go through. Not every email address you receive on a form capture is going to be accurate and up to date. Eliminating these emails from your analysis allows you to focus on the numbers that actually matter.
  3. Conversion rate. The customers who engage with your call to action contribute to your conversion rate. If your goal is to generate leads and increase sales, conversion rate is an important metric to study.
  4. ROI. Email campaigns don’t work overnight. Studying campaign analytics lets you identify good leads which you can then convert into customers. ROI may very well be the most important metric. But you should wait an appropriate amount of time before drawing firm conclusions.

All of Your Campaign Metrics in One Place

Are you planning new email campaigns? When you sign up for Visual Visitor, you can access all of your KPIs in one place. Our system can identify:

  • When your email was opened
  • Who opened your email
  • Where the recipient is located
  • Who clicked on your links
  • Which recipients are browsing your site

You can use this information to make strides in your marketing campaigns and increase your sales. Our email plugin can also be used to track emails sent to individual recipients. Find out if your prospects are opening your proposals. Instead of waiting for a response, know instantly when a recipient has opened your email.

Sales is largely a matter of timing. If a prospect ignores your email and then opens it six months down the line, you have another chance to convert them. Email tracking lets you know when you’ve reclaimed their interest. In other words, it helps you determine when it’s a good time to strike.

Our free 14-day trial today gives you a feel for what’s is like to organize, initiate and monitor your email campaigns using the same system. Access all of your email campaign content in one place. Click here to sign up.

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