Google Changes Local Search

Aug 11, 2015 | 2 minute read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last week, Google rolled out some new changes to their local pack results. Previous to the changes, local searches would show 7 local businesses in the local pack, sometimes referred to as the map pack. Today, those listings have been whittled down to three (3).

The changes, according to Google, have been designed to provide users with a better search experience. Providing more “relevant information” to consumers is always Google’s goal. Will the change to providing fewer options at the top of the page really meet this objective? That is the question that has yet to be answered.

Beyond the change to fewer businesses being listed, Google has also instituted several other changes to this portion of the results page. The new design has been optimized for mobile devices making it easier to view results on phones and tablets. Addresses and links to Google+ pages have also been removed.

Most importantly for most business however is the change regarding phone numbers. The 7 pack design used to include phone numbers consumers could click on for direct access to the business. With the new 3 pack design, consumers will need to click on the listing in order to see the phone number. Adding another layer to the process could result in fewer calls.

Only time will tell if change to the 3 pack layout will dramatically affect analytics.

3 pack

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