How to Use Places Tips to Your Benefit

Apr 28, 2015 | 2 minute read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Use Places Tips to Your Benefit

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By: Carrie Miller

All businesses are looking for ways to capture the attention of consumers. The advent of Facebook Places Tips can help you get in front of consumers who are in your area. Places Tips was launched by Facebook in January of this year. This feature is similar in concept to Foursquare in that it provides information on places, events and businesses in your immediate area when you are on Facebook. It is a passive feature that is being tested in select markets, but is expected to roll out nationwide.

places tips - visual visitor
To get the most out of Place Tips, start by ensuring all information on your Facebook page is up to date. Pay special attention to location information so that Places Tips can identify where you are and promote your page to consumers in the area.

Continue to post regular updates to your page. Ensuring Places Tips has fresh new content to share with users will help to keep your page in the mix. Remember to post content at the times your customer is mostly likely to see and engage with it. Use photos and hashtags strategically to gain additional exposure for your posts.

As Places Tips rolls out to your area, you’ll want to consider promoting events and sales that can generate foot traffic. Creating in-store events or promotions that Places Tips can show to consumers in the area are more likely to be picked up by the Facebook algorithm.

Encourage your customers to check-in with Facebook and to post content about your business. Check-ins are an easy way to increase exposure of your Facebook page. Reviews, photos of your business or products, and comments about your location generates lots of new and relevant content for Facebook to pickup and repost on the Places Tips platform.

Using Facebook’s promoted post option is another way to gain more exposure for your page. Promoted posts show Facebook that you are interested in providing relevant and timely content. This commitment is likely to be rewarded within the Facebook algorithm.

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